Sunday, November 30, 2008

Drowsy Bloggy

Just got back from one-week Kursus Asas Pengajaran (held in Shah Alam) last night. I was so exhausted, mentally in particular. To top it all, I received almost 100 emails in my official inbox. It was a tedious job sorting the important emails (read: awating jobs) from the unrelated ones. Then came another phase, completing the tasks given. Honestly, I felt so drained out, but there is an urgent job which needs to be finished by today. Alhamdulillah, finally I managed to accomplish it, and I rewarded myself by keeping track of my good friends' blogs. Lady Zaini's latest post triggers this entry. Basically, I just copied what she did :).

Your Blogging Type is Pensive and Philosophical

You blog like no one else is reading...

You tend to use your blog to explore ideas - often in long winded prose.

Easy going and flexible, you tend to befriend other bloggers easily.

But if they disagree with once too much, you'll pull them from your blogroll!

Your Surfing Habits are 70% Male, 30% Female

If we had to guess, we would guess that you are a man.

You use the internet to make your life more efficient - and to make you smarter.

For you, the internet is like a vast encyclopedia.

You search and surf extensively. You look up everything online.

p/s: hehe yang kedua tu sama la lady z

Friday, November 28, 2008

Lembutkan Hatiku

Peperiksaan akhir untuk semester Julai 2008 telah pun berakhir. Sesi bersengkang mata menanda skrip-skrip jawapan juga telah langsai, alhamdulillah. Lumrah bagi para pensyarah untuk menemukan ucapan-ucapan memohon simpati daripada pelajar pada kertas jawapan dengan harapan kami akan meluluskannya. (meskipun kertas jawapan pelajar terbabit selalunya lompong-lompong)

Berikut merupakan ucapan-ucapan yang biasa:

Bantulah saya untuk lulus miss. Saya telah cuba yang terbaik.

Terima kasih kerana mengajar saya. Tolong lah saya untuk lulus.

Kata kuncinya ialah lulus. Begitulah lazimnya ucapan-ucapan yang diterima. Namun baru-baru ini saya menerima satu ucapan yang lain daripada yang lain. Tika saya sedang pening-pening menanda kertas mereka, saya terjumpa ucapan ini :


Spontan saya tergelak besar dan hati berdetik, garang sangatkah saya ini. Kini saya tekad untuk membeli buku tentang psikologi remaja (setelah begitu lama menimbang-nimbang sama ada wajar saya membelinya).

Wednesday, October 29, 2008



Thanks to Allah for His Great Blessing and Solawat to our beloved Prophet (P.B.U.H). This thesis is the outcome of years of research that has been done since I came to IIUM as a postgraduate student. By that time, I have worked with a great number of people whose contribution in various ways to the research and the making of the thesis deserved special mention. It is a pleasure to convey my gratitude to them all in my humble acknowledgment.

In the first place I would like to record my gratitude to Assoc. Prof. Dr. F. A. for his supervision, advice, and guidance from the very early stage of this research as well as giving me opportunities to present my findings at many international conferences throughout the work.

In addition, I would also like to express my thanks to U.niversiti T.eknologi M.ARA for generously funding my studies. Their financial support has given me opportunity of experiencing comfortable learning facilities and environment.

And of course, I am thankful for being blessed with support and understanding by my parents and siblings. They stand by me at all occasions, through the happy and tough times. To them, I am still their clumsy sister and daughter who would still go to them no matter what. They have been my inspiration all this while.

I also gratefully acknowledge my Networking Research Group Lab members: Bro Zeldi, Dr. Omer, Sis Naimah and Sis Fariza for their advice, supervision, and crucial contribution, which made them a backbone of this research and so to this thesis. I am grateful in every possible way and hope to keep up our collaboration in the future. Our friendship has also become a memorable one.

It is also a pleasure to pay tribute to Mr Ronan de Renesse and Mr Vinod Kone for their kindness of answering my inquiries regarding QoS in MANETs through emails. They have been very generous in providing the information that I require.

Last but not least, collective and individual acknowledgments are also owed to my colleagues at IIUM whose presence somehow perpetually refreshed, helpful, and memorable. Many thanks go in particular to Sis Shuhada, Sis Rozaidah, Sis Winda, Sis Zakiah, Sis Yusnita, Sis Hasimah, Sis Hanani, Sis Syazilawati, Sis Iman, Sis Siti, Bro Iwan, Bro Turnad, Bro Hakim and Bro Amart for giving me such a pleasant time during my study, especially for the exhilarating time we spent together.

Finally, I would like to thank everybody who was important to the successful realization of this thesis as well as expressing my apology that I could not mention personally one by one.

Wallahul musta'an

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Viva La Ida, Viva La Liberty

My post title is actually a good luck wish by a fellow workmate. I am so nervous now, lately even my nights have been haunted by thoughts and visions of viva voce presentation. Still, being in my beloved Garden of Knowledge and Virtue once again, certainly cheers me, and of course nostalgic moments as well. May Allah guide and help me, and may this viva accomplishment be a part of my ibadah, insya Allah. Below is the official invitation for my viva presentation :)

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful ……..


May this memo reach all of you in the best of faith and health.

Sr. Ida_zy, a Master degree student in Computer
and Information Engineering is scheduled to defend her thesis in Viva Voce
session as follows:-

Date/Day : 29/07/2008 (Tuesday).

Time : 3:00 p.m.

Venue : Conference Room A, Building E1 (Alpha) - Kulliyyah
of Engineering.
Title : “Performance Study of Quality of Service Routing
Protocols in MANETS”

All staff and students are cordially invited to this session. Your
presence to this session will be highly appreciated.

Thank you, wassalam.

Deputy Dean Postgraduate & Research
Kulliyyah of Engineering, IIUM

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Personality Puzzle

ColorQuiz.comida_zy took the free personality test!

"Needs release from stress. Longs for peace, tranqu..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

The results seem pretty much in line with my personality (from my point of view, at least). How about you try it for yourself? :)

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Alhamdulillah, saya sudah selesai marking manuskrip-manuskrip jawapan yang berjumlah 135. Validasi untuk satu kod juga sudah langsai. Lapang sedikit sekarang. Dan tak semena-mena saya jadi sentimental dan nostalgik mengenang Taman Ilmu dan Budi yang telah saya tinggalkan sejak pertengahan Disember 2007.

Saya rindu pada panggilan sister dan brother di UIAM.

Saya rindu pada perbualan dalam pelbagai bahasa yang boleh saya dengar pagi petang siang malam.

Saya rindu pada pertuturan bahasa Inggeris dalam loghat pelik-pelik yang dahulunya amat saya benci kerana susah difahami.

Saya rindu pada usrah, kuliah, ceramah, seminar dalam pelbagai bidang yang diadakan saban malam. (pernah mencapai 5 ceramah agama dalam satu malam)

Saya rindu mahu bersolat dan beribadah di Masjid UIAM, suasananya luar biasa dan sukar digambarkan.

Saya rindu pada makanan Arab dan Bosnia di Baboosh dan Basbusa.

Saya rindu mahu bersantai-santai di tepi sungai UIA yang kotor keruh itu.

Saya rindu mahu menyanyi Asmaul Husna beramai-ramai, mahu membaca semula bai’ah yang hebat itu.

Saya rindu pada nama-nama Islamik yang digunapakai untuk semua bangunan di UIAM.

I really miss my brothers and sisters in IIUM. Our friendship is definitely beyond borders, yet we are bound by the same faith, Islam.

Betapa tempat jatuh lagi dikenang. Inikan pula tempat saya mengadu nasib selama 8 tahun. Sungguh rindu.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ma'attaufiq Wannajah

Pejam celik pejam celik, seiring degap-degup jantung, berjaya juga saya menghabiskan pengajaran semester pertama saya, alhamdulillah. Petang ini dan pagi lusa, anak-anak murid saya bakal menduduki kertas peperiksaan subjek-subjek yang saya ajar. Selepas itu, bermula lah perjuangan marking. Moga diberi kekuatan, amin.

Kasihan anak-anak murid saya, dapat pensyarah yang sangat lah mentah dan tidak pandai. Sesungguhnya, saya banyak sangat belajar daripada mereka. Subjek yang saya ditugaskan mengajar adalah subjek yang dulu paling saya benci. Bayangkan, anda kena lakukan perkara yang dari dulu anda cuba mengelakkannya. Terlebih sedih, sudahlah saya perlu ajar subjek yang saya benci, saya perlu juga mengajar subjek itu dalam versi advanced yang memang saya tidak pernah belajar. Adoi la, terus terang, air mata banyak yang tumpah waktu itu, haha.

Dalam tempoh empat bulan ini ternyata banyak sekali hikmah yang akhir-akhir ini sahaja baru saya betul-betul sedar. Allah mentarbiah saya dalam pelbagai cara yang tidak saya sangka sama sekali. Syukur yang teramat. Syukur atas dugaan dan ujian yang mendewasakan, syukur kerana saya punya keluarga dan teman-teman yang tidak putus-putus mendorong, syukur kerana memberikan anak-anak didik yang baik-baik dan menghormati saya, meskipun guru mereka ini banyak sekali cacat celanya. Syukur kerana telah memberikan kemanisan dalam mengajar, ketenangan dalam menatap wajah-wajah mereka yang dahagakan ilmu. Sebetulnya, saya rasa diri ini tidak layak memikul amanah sebegini besar, namun Allah pasti punya sebab-musababnya. Siapa lah kita yang hina ini hendak menidakkan ketentuanNya.

Moga saya mampu menjadi pendidik yang lebih baik dan bersedia pada semester hadapan. Anak-anak muridku, selamat menduduki peperiksaan. Ingat, ini cuma ujian di dunia, meski kejayaannya bermakna, kejayaan di akhirat jauh lebih manis. (in case ada anak murid yang terbaca :D) Ma’attaufiq wannajah !

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


There is a saying, no man is an island. But there are times, I desire to be an island. Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Have You Ever...

Have you ever felt so lonely even though you are surrounded by family and friends each day?

Have you ever felt so dumb and downright stupid and you feel others are so intelligent and well-organized?

Have you ever felt so weak and useless while others are so tough and ready to face any challenge?

Have you ever felt demotivated whereas others are so spirited and full of new ideas?

Have you ever felt that you are nothing but a nuisance and burden to everyone?

Have you ever wondered how come you are so ungrateful even though Allah has never stopped showered you with His blessings?

Have you ever asked yourself, “why have I become so empty, losing passion in everything, losing faith in my job as well as losing confidence?”

What is wrong actually?

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Al-Fatihah to My Student

Verily, everyone shall taste death. On January 11th, three UiTM Dungun students were drowned while swimming in the sea off Teluk Bidara beach. One of them is my student for subject Network Analysis 2. To be honest, I am still in shock. Though I had only taught him last week in 2 slots, (actually I barely taught him, I had just done introduction), surprisingly I remember him. He was among the ones who took the effort to respond to my remarks and questions even though I could tell that they are bored. When I feel that the students seem lost in their thoughts, I try to bring their attention back by going to him first, because I know he would respond, politely.

Indeed his time has arrived. Our times will come too. Just a few days ago, I prayed to Allah to give me strength and not to focus so much of the worldly things. (Since I've been so busy adjusting to this new environment lately). Allah has certainly answered my prayer.

"Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?" Surah Ar-Rahman: Verse 13

Al-Fatihah to MUHAMMAD 'ISMAT SYAFIQ BIN ZAINUDIN. May Allah S.W.T forgive all his sins and accept his good deeds. May him rest in peace insya Allah. Al-Fatihah to his friends as well: MOHD NASRI MOHD NASIR and NAZIRUL SYAZWAN SHAMSUDIN.