Thursday, March 21, 2013


Sumber: Google Image

Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, sejuta kali lafaz alhamdulillah tidak akan mampu menggambarkan rasa syukur kepadaNya.  Sudah hampir 4 bulan saya kembara ilmu di rantau orang, sesuatu yang saya angan-angankan sejak remaja. Meski pernah pada satu ketika saya fikir impian ini tidak akan tercapai, tetapi saya lupa Allah Maha Mendengar. Dia Maha Mengetahui bilakah waktu yang sesuai dan situasi yang terbaik. Tinggal pada saya untuk mengambil ibrah setiap ketentuanNya. Indahnya menjadi Muslim, pada segala yang berlaku baik dan buruk, dengan mata hati berlandaskan iman, ada sahaja hikmah yang dapat ditemukan. Tiada apa yang sia-sia, jika kita berasa sesuatu yang berlaku itu tiada erti apa-apa, itu kelemahan akal kita yang tidak mampu menjangkaunya.

Allah juga melorongkan kita pada apa yang kita cari dan niatkan. Jika kita mahu yang baik-baik Allah akan buka jalan, saya percaya itu dan merasainya sendiri. Siapa sangka di bumi yang mana ramai manusia masih belum beriman padaNya, saya ketemu banyak sekali sumber mendekatkan diri kepadaNya. Subhanallah saya dikenalkan pada manusia-manusia soleh dan solehah yang teguh pada ajaranNya di tengah-tengah suasana yang penuh godaan ini. Kala menyusuri berhampiran tempat-tempat maksiat dan hiburan yang sangat terbuka dan terdedah hati rasa sangat tidak tenteram. Saya pohon rasa tidak tenteram itu berkekalan, jangan sampai satu ketika ianya jadi lali, nauzubillah. Terpulanglah pada diri untuk tetap pada jalanNya. Alhamdulillah di celahan seribu satu macam noda, tumbuh taman-taman syurga yang rimbun dan meneduhkan serta menyejukkan hati. Tiada alasan untuk jauh dariNya.

Semoga saya terus diberi kekuatan bermujahadah dan menjadi insan lebih beriman dari hari ke hari. Saya berniat untuk mula berkongsi ilmu milik Allah yang saya tadah di taman-taman syurga sepanjang kembara saya di blog ini kelak insya Allah. Moga dipermudahkan Aameenn.  

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Silent Understanding

Being able to perform solat in a proper place or musolla (prayer room) is truly a great blessing for someone abroad in a non-Muslim country. To be honest I had prepared myself mentally to perform solat practically everywhere possible before I came here. Imagine my relief when my colleague told me that the university has its own musolla. However, she elaborated that the need for musolla just came into attention when the Arab Muslims students complained to the university administration. The rich Arab government sponsored the expense for musolla building and Alhamdulillah the Muslims then get to pray in a comfortable musolla. Muslims brotherhood at its best! If only this kind unity could spread throughout the world insya Allah.

Sometimes, sense of brotherhood does not need to be crystal clear and transparent. It could also be subtle. I could say that I experience it firsthand. It happened on a Sunday when I came to university. Not that I am workaholic or diligent Asian scholar as one university staff described about most Asians. Let’s just say it was one desperate attempt of coming out with as much progress as possible before my weekly meeting with supervisor on Monday.

I could not remember whether it was Zuhr or Asr prayer time. Since it was Sunday which fell during summer break, not many people actually came to university, even the research students. Normally we would have jama’ah (congregational) prayer at the musolla but it seemed there was no one present at the brothers section. I was about to pray by myself when I heard sound of someone entered the brothers’ area. I was pretty sure that there was only one person as I could not hear any conversation going on. Soon after, I heard the sound of rushing water; he must be taking his ablution I presumed. Now, the challenge is how to inform him that I want to be his ma’mum for prayer. Speaking outright through the divider curtain seemed like an unattractive option for the reserved and introvert me. So I coughed a little and wandered around the sisters area to just make enough noise for him to notice.

My effort was paid off when I heard him reciting the Iqamah thereafter with clear voice. Thus I followed him and the jama’ah prayer proceeded smoothly Alhamdulillah. After solat he left the musolla and to this day I never know who he was. But I was really thankful for his mutual understanding. Both of us managed to grab the fadhilat of jama’ah with silent agreement. No fuss, no words. Perhaps that’s how we Muslims could get together hand in hand and move forward without arguing. With less words, less feel good talks, more compassions and more empathy. Just a thought, verily Allah knows best.