Saturday, November 29, 2014

Cantik Untuk Siapa?

Source: Google Image
Wujudkah perempuan yang tidak suka apabila dikatakan dirinya cantik? Mungkin ada segelintir yang benci dipuji rupawan, tetapi untuk entri ini kita memukul rata yang semua perempuan suka apabila ada yang memujinya cantik. Tambahan pula jika yang memuji itu pasangan dan ahli keluarga. Ya, saya juga termasuk dalam golongan umum itu, besar hati apabila dipuji cantik. Kesimpulannya, kerana mahukan pengiktirafan dari orang lain yang dirinya cantik, perempuan boleh jadi hilang keyakinan diri, obses yang dirinya banyak cacat cela, malah boleh membawa sakit mental dan jiwa.

Malah perempuan yang dianggap cantik oleh majoriti masyarakat turut merasakan dirinya masih ada kekurangan. Begitu sekali penangan tekanan daripada pandangan orang. Sebagai Muslim, sewajarnya kita maklum yang bukan pandangan manusia yang kita cari, sebaliknya pandangan Allah yang paling utama. Tetapi cakap lebih senang dari praktikal bukan. Hati tersentuh juga apabila sahabat atau saudara mara mendapat sanjungan, tetapi diri sendiri tiada siapa peduli.

Sejujurnya, saya juga mengalami ‘inferiority complex’ dalam bab kecantikan fizikal ini. Selalu mengingatkan diri yang dunia ini tidak kekal agar tidak terus-terusan luntur keyakinan diri, namun sering kalah dengan penyakit hati dan nafsu cintakan dunia. Kemudian berlanjutan merasakan diri sendiri mangsa yang sebenarnya tidak ada apa yang hendak dimangsakan.

Ditakdirkan Allah, baru-baru ini saya mendengar siri kuliah oleh Brother Nouman Ali Khan bertajuk ‘Hijab’ di Bayyinah TV yang saya langgani sejak tahun lepas. (Please1000x subscribe Bayyinah TV, insya Allah banyak sangat manfaatnya) Beliau menyentuh tentang keobsesan wanita dalam bab mahu cantik dan dipandang cantik. Antara ayat beliau yang sangat menyentap ialah, “If you are so obsessed with physical beauty, you will not have time to be obsessed with Allah.” Ok, sangat kelu lepas dengar ayat tersebut. Rasa macam kena tujah di batang hidung.

Tetapi point beliau yang paling memberi impak kepada saya apabila beliau menyebut yang wanita tidak perlu bersusah payah menanti dan mengharap pengiktirafan kecantikan daripada manusia. Allah S.W.T sendiri telah mengiktirafnya di dalam Surah An-Nur Ayat 31:

"Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan yang beriman supaya menyekat pandangan mereka (daripada memandang yang haram), dan memelihara kehormatan mereka; dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka kecuali yang zahir daripadanya;" (hingga akhir terjemahan)

"dan janganlah"

“ mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka kecuali yang zahir daripadanya”

Petikan ayat di atas saya telah baca dan dengar entah berapa kali, tetapi tidak pernah saya menerima penjelasan dari perspektif seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Ustaz Nouman. Beliau menjelaskan, di dalam ayat tersebut: Allah mengesahkan yang wanita itu walaupun sudah menutup aurat, kecantikannya akan tetap terzahir. Bagi wanita mungkin dia merasakan, jika sudah tutup-tutup bagaimana kecantikannya akan disedari orang. Tetapi Allah sendiri, Pencipta wanita sudah berfirman, kecantikan wanita itu memang akan terzahir. Kalau Pencipta kita sendiri yang Maha Tahu sudah mengiktiraf sedemikian, perlukah lagi pengiktirafan manusia yang terbatas pengetahuannya? Allahu Akbar. Perspektif ini sangat memberi kesan kepada cara saya berfikir dan Alhamdulillah mendapat kekuatan untuk berhenti memangsakan diri.

Tetapi jangan pula, mentang-mentang Allah sudah mengiktiraf kita cantik, kita ambil jalan mudah tidak mahu menjaga kesihatan, tidak mahu membersihkan diri pula ya.

Insya Allah di akhirat nanti, kalau di dunia kita berusaha untuk menjadi orang soleh, semua orang cantik-cantik dan muda belaka. Oleh itu, “Let us be obsessed with seeking Allah’s pleasure.” Peringatan untuk diri sendiri lebih-lebih lagi. Allah Knows Best. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Prophet S.A.W: An Exceptional Leader (Battle of Uhud Case)

This entry is based on a session given by Sheikh Abu Bakar Zoud at Twins Of Faith Conference held in Sydney on April this year. Alhamdulillah, Allah had granted me the rizq (blessing) of being one of the conference participants.  Adhering to its theme, The Sunnah The Better, I have gained so many eye-opening, Iman-boosting knowledge conveyed by established and renowned speakers. While I am quite familiar with most of the speakers, I never heard about Sheikh Abu Bakar Zoud at the time of conference. Still in his twenties, and yet his speech was so profound and touches different perspectives, masya Allah. His specialty and focus is Quran studies, which is the aspect that I have been delving myself into these recent years and so dear to my heart. ­I have noticed for quite some time that I am actually older or around the same age of many contemporary wonderful Muslim scholars. Sheikh Nouman Ali Khan is only a year older than me and Sheikh Abdul Nasir Jangda is of my age. I am also pretty sure that the likes of Sheikh Omar Suleiman and Sheikh Daood Butt are more or less around my age too. Such a wake-up call for me to hasten towards improving myself and to stop giving excuses. 

There are many instances and subjects which highlight the exemplary leadership of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. One of them is the Battle of Uhud. Battle of Uhud is known as one of the most trying times in the seerah and it really signifies the characteristic of our beloved Prophet S.A.W as the true leader.

The best way of teaching is to find the right way to teach

Prophet S.A.W assigns commander for every group prior to the battle.Jabal Uhud is a strategic location, its function is analogous to a security camera for the battle. 50 archers were appointed there. The battle was being won until the archers were losing discipline which led to casualties of 70 martyrs.

With the sad outcome of the battle, Prophet S.A.W had every right to be upset with the companions who left the mountain.  The companions felt guilty over what happened. Allah guides Prophet S.A.W in dealing with them as revealed in Surah Aal-Imran Ayat 159:

So by mercy from Allah , [O Muhammad], you were lenient with them. And if you had been rude [in speech] and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from about you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them and consult them in the matter. And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who rely [upon Him].

Leniency in leadership

Due to the remarkable Mercy of Allah Azza Wa Jalla, Allah has ordered Prophet Muhammad S.A.W to be lenient towards his subordinates.
How can we practice the lesson? When dealing with people under your supervision who do mistakes, hide your anger while speaking to them. If you are tough in speech or being hard they will run from you.

”lanfaddhu” means: run away or broken away like the way glass is shattered. If glass breaks, it can’t be grouped back together.
Handling tough situation

Being a leader is a tough responsibility by itself and it’s much tougher for Rasulullah S.A.W after the calamity of Battle of Uhud because he was going to meet the 35 companions who left their positions during the battle. Allah ‘Azza Wa Jalla has outlined three-step process in Surah Aal-Imran ayat 159:
  • Forgive them lovingly, Allah uses the term ‘fa’fu an hum’ not ‘faghfir lahum1. However, after forgiving them, there might be some bitterness left in the heart. Thus the next step.
  • Ask Allah to forgive them, it is a proof that nothing else remains in your heart. Nevertheless, you may feel that things will not be the same as before. Proceed to next step.
  • Consult them in your affairs: “wa shaawir hum fil amri”. Psychologically they will be convinced that Rasulullah S.A.W will have nothing more against them.
May Allah grant us strength to exemplify Rasulullah S.A.W in every aspect of our life, Allahumma Aameen.

Afw means to pardon, to excuse for a fault or an offense or a discourtesy, waiver of punishment and amnesty. Examples of usage in the Qur'an are verses 42:40, 2:187 and 5:95.
 or maghfira means to cover, to forgive and to remit. Examples of usage in the Qur'an are verses 2:263, 42:37 and 43:43.

Monday, October 06, 2014

Silibus Untuk Hidup

source: Google Image
Sejak dulu, saya tergolong dalam kalangan exam-oriented dalam hal pendidikan. Saya sukakan sesuatu yang jelas silibusnya, skop yang telah dikenalpasti, dan hala tuju jelas beserta deadline. Mudah kata, saya tidak mahu memikul tanggungjawab membuat keputusan, sekaligus terlepas daripada beban dipersalahkan jika sesuatu tidak menjadi. Anehnya, dalam hal yang tidak melibatkan pendidikan formal saya agak fleksibel, mungkin kerana ia tidak melibatkan tanggungjawab.

Namun, selaku seorang yang terlibat dalam dunia akademik tidak dapat tidak, untuk meneruskan pengajian lebih tinggi memerlukan saya membebaskan diri dari terikat dengan garis panduan silibus. Malah sebenarnya, pembelajaran berasaskan penyelidikan hampir tidak berasaskan silibus yang digariskan pengajar. 

Bukan terkadang, malah kerap kali saya tidak tahu adakah saya berada di jalan yang betul atau tidak? Sering pula ragu apakah persimpangan seterusnya, adakah ke kanan, ke kiri, maju sahaja ataupun perlukah saya berundur? Berapa lama pula tempoh masa yang perlu diambil pada setiap pusingan dan langkah, segalanya sungguh sukar dijangka. 

Alhamdulillah, sangat beruntung menjadi Muslim, saya punya Al-Quran sebagai manual rujukan. Banyak sekali Allah berfirman bahawa Al-Quran itu diturunkan sebagai panduan, tinggal lagi saya ingin merujuknya dan mengamalkannya. Betapa Kasih Allah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim, Kalamnya sentiasa ada untuk kita dekati. Silapnya pada kita kerana sering menggantungkan harapan pada makhluk untuk merungkai kebingungan dan memudahkan urusan. Makhluk hanyalah asbab dan mereka tidak punya pengetahuan jika Allah tidak mengilhamkan. 

Manusia boleh merangka berbagai prosedur, garis panduan, modus operandi etc, tetapi tetap tidak sempurna walau kita cuba sedaya upaya mengikutinya. Manusia boleh menetapkan perancangan sela masa sekian-sekian untuk setiap fasa, namun pasti ada cacat-celanya. Sebagai makhluk, susuri sahaja jalan yang Maha Pencipta lorongkan, kerana di situ adanya petunjuk sejati.

Kitab Al-Quran ini, tidak ada sebarang syak padanya (tentang datangnya dari Allah dan tentang sempurnanya); ia pula menjadi petunjuk bagi orang-orang yang (hendak) bertaqwa;  (Quran 2:2)

Al-Quran ini menjadi panduan-panduan yang membuka matahati manusia, dan menjadi hidayah petunjuk serta membawa rahmat bagi kaum yang meyakini (kebenarannya).(Quran 45:20)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Looks or Money?

We might have heard this saying before, when it comes to attraction of the opposite sex, guys would go for looks and ladies would go for wealth or money. Of course, Islamically and ethically, this shouldn’t be the ideal case. In Islam it is clearly stated that the deen (religion) should be main criteria when looking for a spouse. Easier said than done though.

Somehow, this matter reminds me of a discussion in a course I attended years ago. It was organized by Al Maghrib Institute and the instructor was Sheikh Riad Quarzazi. He was addressing the importance of giving the benefit of the doubt (ظن حسن). He narrated a scenario for us female participants to relate to. 

“Let’s say there’s a guy who looks humble and pious. He came out of the masjid and walked to a posh car for example, Ferrari. What would you think of him? Would you marry him?”

I believe the Sheikh meant to make the guy seems like a bad person, as if he was getting money from unIslamic sources for being able to buy such expensive car.

However, as soon as Sheikh finished his question, I could hear a chorus (not so loud though, it’s an Islamic event after all :)), answering, “Yes!” Me included, (grinning). I’m sure, to us ladies, the guy sounds like a perfect package: a masjid goer with Ferrari. Oh well, I don’t know whether I should laugh or cry. What a reaction.

Indeed, the temptations of this dunya (world) are so hard to resist. May Allah give us strength to avoid being attached to this temporary world, aameen.

From the Holy Quran:

“And present to them the example of the life of this world, [its being] like rain which We send down from the sky, and the vegetation of the earth mingles with it and [then] it becomes dry remnants, scattered by the winds. And Allah is ever, over all things, Perfect in Ability. (Al-Kahfi, 18:45)

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Usah Bicara Soal Khilafah

Usah bicara soal khilafah
Jika sampah merata dilontar
Merasakan tindakan tiada impak
Menyangka yang lain tidak terjebak

Usah bicara soal khilafah
Jika bicara masih berkasar
Sindiran dan maki rutin dilontar
Konon alasan mahu menyedar

Usah bicara soal khilafah
Jika mudah menyerkap jarang
Beda rupa dan bahasa diterka petualang
Saudara seaqidah dianggap pendatang

Usah bicara soal khilafah
Andai mendamba gajet terkini
Bimbang ketinggalan harta duniawi
Audit iman bukan prioriti

Usah bicara soal khilafah
Jika KPop Hollywood segala macam jadi hiburan
Quran ditelaah terasa bosan
Sirah para rasul dan sahabat bukan sandaran

Mari bicara soal khilafah
Apabila lillahi Taala jadi agenda
Persaudaraan kembali diutamakan manusia
Kemaslahatan umat bakal terbela

 Insya Allah aameen ya rabbal 'alameen

Friday, May 09, 2014

United or Divided

The first point is: unity should not be misleading.

“And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided. Quran Chapter 3 verse 103.

Unity should be by holding together to the rope of Allah. How bad it is if we are divided. Some people come out with slogans for unity. There are two ways to sort out the slogans by checking the ones who propose the slogans:
  • 1  Is he someone knowledgeable?
  • 2.   What is his track record?

In a Hadeeth sahih, it is mentioned there will be years of deception. (Coming of dajjal)

One of the slogan makers in history is Firaun. Prophet Musa a.s just wanted to free the slaves and asked his people to believe in Allah. But Firaun said, Prophet Musa a.s wanted to topple him. Instead, Firaun told the people to worship him in unity. Surah Al A’raaf.

Sometimes, people are against the truth because it is against their desire and interest.
We can’t just point fingers to great people if they are divided.

Era of Saidina Uthman r.a caliphate

When Saidina Uthman r.a was the Caliph, Ruwaibidhah group went to the outskirts of Muslim world (Kufah, Egypt, Basra – where people just embraced Islam) and spread slogans among them by blaming Saidina Uthman r.a. for practising nepotisme and burning the Quran mushaf. One of them is Abdullah bin Saba’ (pretending to be Muslim, Shiah tried to deny his existence) who brought people to Madinah to rebel against Saidina Uthman r.a.

Later, the raised issues were clarified by other Sahabis including Saidina Ali r.a.
  •         Nepotisme: actually, the distant relatives of Saidina Uthman r.a. were appointed by the previous Caliph, Saidina Umar r.a. and they were known for being just.
  •          Quran burning: the mushafs were burned because they contain errors and conflict each other

When Prophet Muhammad s.a.w was alive, Prophet S.A.W acknowledged Saidina Uthman’s greatness. He was so modest that even the angels are shy of him. Prophet S.A.W already told him that he will become a syahid. Saidina Uthman r.a was 82 years old at that time.

The point is: only the ignorant will be misled.

Era of Saidina Ali r.a caliphate
When Saidina Ali r.a. became the Caliph, some people took Nailah’s (wife of Saidina Uthman r.a) cut fingers to Muawiyah r.a. and he was overcame with emotions. But Saidina Ali r.a. needed to keep calm due to the chaotic situation in Madinah at that time.

Sahih Bukhari mentioned that Muawiyah r.a. is a faqih. But when he was caught by emotions, he may misjudged. Aishah r.a., Talhah r.a. and Zubair r.a. just returned from Hajj, and they heard about what happened to Uthman r.a. They wanted to do something. Saidina Ali r.a. moved the capital to Kufah under this situation. But they all talked to each other outside Basra and delayed the fight.

The actual murderers went to both camps and shot arrows early in the morning, causing chaos. But Talhah and Zubair r.a.huma ran away from the war. However they were killed by the troublemakers.

Point: even when good people want to unite, troublemakers would interfere. Good people may fight due to confusion.

Then another battle broke out between Saidina Ali r.a and Muawiyah r.a. due to misunderstanding. Please note that it is not up to us to judge this incident.

Hadeeth Sahih: One day the wrong people will kill Ammar bin Yasir r.a.
Ammar bin Yasir r.a. got killed while fighting in the side of Saidina Ali r.a. When Ammar r.a. died, Ibnu Mas’ud r.a. changed sides from Muawiyah r.a. to Saidina Ali r.a.

Point: If good people are not united, it doesn’t mean that they are bad. But troublemakers keep interfering.

When Saidina Ali r.a. ruled, Khawarij group came into picture. During the battle of Nahrawan, the Khawarij tried to kill Saidina Ali r.a., Muawiyah r.a., and Amr bin Al As r.a. on the basis that all of them are kuffar. Saidina Ali r.a. died during fajr prayer, Muawiyah r.a was injured badly, and Amr bin Al As r.a. managed to escape.

Even though the sahabis fought each other, they don’t hate each other. None of them call the other hypocrites.
Conclusion: don’t get deluded by slogans.

These are the points as understood by al faqir yours truly. For more clarification, you may contact Sheikh Aslam himself. Recommended readings: Hayatussahabah and Al Bidayah Wan Nihayah.