Sunday, July 27, 2008

Viva La Ida, Viva La Liberty

My post title is actually a good luck wish by a fellow workmate. I am so nervous now, lately even my nights have been haunted by thoughts and visions of viva voce presentation. Still, being in my beloved Garden of Knowledge and Virtue once again, certainly cheers me, and of course nostalgic moments as well. May Allah guide and help me, and may this viva accomplishment be a part of my ibadah, insya Allah. Below is the official invitation for my viva presentation :)

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful ……..


May this memo reach all of you in the best of faith and health.

Sr. Ida_zy, a Master degree student in Computer
and Information Engineering is scheduled to defend her thesis in Viva Voce
session as follows:-

Date/Day : 29/07/2008 (Tuesday).

Time : 3:00 p.m.

Venue : Conference Room A, Building E1 (Alpha) - Kulliyyah
of Engineering.
Title : “Performance Study of Quality of Service Routing
Protocols in MANETS”

All staff and students are cordially invited to this session. Your
presence to this session will be highly appreciated.

Thank you, wassalam.

Deputy Dean Postgraduate & Research
Kulliyyah of Engineering, IIUM


Anonymous said...

lor... bole tgk ke huhu... kalo tau sy gi kl ari selasa... but myb awk x suka sy tgk dok nye... jd x pe la kalo sy x dpt tgk... eh... staff/student je ek... so mmg sy x leh tgk lah... hehe... x pe sy bg sokongan moral je la... ganbatte! fighting oh!

Dimas said...

Ass wr wb,

Well, I wish you luck on your thesis :) All the best for you. Let me know when you've finished hehehe.

Wass wr wb,


munirah hayati said...

salam..maaf terlambat mengucap selamat berjaya.. semoga ida sentiasa sejahtera & bahagia..

p/s: baru habis baca tunggu teduh dulu, sebab skrg baru jumpa di kedai buku :) teka berapa kali saya menangis ! hehe

dianz said...

selamat berjuang :) mudah2an allah berikan kemudahan, amien.

Anonymous said...

Ida dah viva ek? Tahniah Tahniah!!!