Friday, March 31, 2006

Of Thesis & Weariness

Somehow, I feel I got discouraged after watching the thesis progress presentation by this one particular guy. He entered the MSCIE (Master of Science – Computer & Information Engineering) in November 2004, just like me. But he seems to be way ahead of me in terms of his progress. His programs are already working, and he already obtained his initial results. On the other hand, I am still trying to figure out the reasons why my codes could not run properly. Not to mention that I have not yet installed another version of the simulator I’m using in another machine. Well, I suppose I have not tried hard enough. There’s no use complaining, I just better double my effort. These are the tasks to be accomplished this weekend:
i. Read all the simulator manuals, thoroughly
ii. Running all the related examples
iii. Really, really….. try to understand the codes, every bit of it as possible

May Allah help me in achieving the above short-term goals. In the mean time, I will just have to resist the temptation of reading ‘Tunggu Teduh Dulu’. Sorry Salsabila Fahim, I guess you have to wait. :)


Kay said...

kak ida.. sukanya gaya bahasa kak ida!! baik kak ida jd novelis.. saya mesti beli... saya pun nak beli novel tunggu teduh dulu... tp tak tau kat mana... tak best nak baca kat internet...

ida_zy said...

kerini suka ye... tima kasih
nak jd novelis tu belum mampu lagi
maybe boleh start dgn cerpen dulu insya Allah :)

kalau nk beli Tunggu Teduh Dulu
masuk le
kene register le tapinye
tapi x rugi beli
insya Allah nanti kak ida post review buku Tunggu Teduh Dulu